Tipo de Material
Artigo de Periódico
Autor Principal
César Leão Marques, Eduardo
Código de Publicação (DOI)
Título do periódico
Nature Cities
Local da Publicação
Revista online
Palavras chave
urban politics
Global South
Cities are paramount nowadays. They host most of the world’s population in increasingly heterogeneous urban contexts. Local governments are mainly responsible for facing some of our most important social and political challenges. This Review discusses the rich analytical tradition that focused on city governments and politics following two of its underlying analytical threads—the political autonomy of city governments and the relationships between cities and democracy, in light of their durable social and political inequalities. Recent scholarship has been advancing in understanding city governments by considering them as political arenas populated by heterogeneous local institutions, dynamic processes and interconnected actors.
Método e Técnica de Pesquisa
Métodos mistos
Localização Eletrônica